A first approximation of aufeis distribution in eastern Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories, Canada
Reference Number:
Northwest Territories Geological Survey (formerly Northwest Territories Geoscience Office and CS Lord Northern Geoscience Centre)
Brasseur P, Kokelj SV, Fraser R, and Lacelle D
Publication Date:
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Reference Area:
Eastern Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories
This report is a first broad-scale assessment of aufeis distribution in eastern Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. The objective was to assess potential areas of perennial groundwater discharge in this region (Figure 1). Aufeis were mapped using all available June Landsat images. The perimeter of each aufeis was digitized and their surface area was calculated in ArcGIS. In addition, the bedrock geology, geological faults, and the elevation associated with the aufeis was extracted and included in this report.