Welcome to the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) Web Applications



The Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) has developed 8 web applications (NTGS Web Apps) that provide access to geoscience databases in tabular and spatial views within a definable operational context (*). The applications, (and, where applicable, associated databases and current data volumes) are presented below.

To use an application, close this panel and click the application icon, or click on
for a brief introduction on using the application.

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The use and redistribution of all data products and services provided by the NTGS is subject to the terms outlined below:


  1. The data provided on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is owned by the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) and protected by intellectual property law;
  2. Unless otherwise expressly provided, data may not be used or reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the NTGS, GNWT;
  3. If data is reproduced or redistributed for non-commercial purposes, the GNWT copyright is to be acknowledged.


  1. The data provided on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is owned by the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) and protected by intellectual property law;
  2. Unless otherwise expressly provided, data may not be used or reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the NTGS, GNWT;
  3. If data is reproduced or redistributed for non-commercial purposes, the GNWT copyright is to be acknowledged.
  4. Data and information on the NTGS websites originates from both internal and external sources, and is offered as a public service by the GNWT;
  5. All Data and information from external sources are provided on a "as is" basis, without any guarantee, representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied;
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NTGS APP Database Record Count
References Geoscience Publications and Reports 10112
Mineral Showings Mineral Showings 3108
Diamonds Kimberlite Indicator and Diamond (KIDD) and Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Chemistry (KIMC) 219770/144235
Till Kimberlite Anomaly and Drill Hole Data (KANDD) 2232
Till Glacial Till & Soil Geochemistry
Web GIS WEB GIS Apps for creating, searching, and downloading customizable maps
Web GIS A data discovery and download platform hosted on ArcGIS Online

* This means that data required for business, scientific or government projects can be extracted by user-defined Areas of Interest (AOIs), or within existing AOIs such as Canada's National Topographic Series (NTS), land use/tenure blocks or administrative boundaries.

Geoscience Publications and Reports database



The References Application searches a database of geoscience publications and reports such as NWT Open Files/Reports, Mineral Exploration Assessment reports and theses.

Types of Searchable References in the NTGS database

References each have a Type and an Identification Number. The format of the Number depends on the Type. The format used for a given Type is explained in the Number Format column below. Each lower case letter in the Number Format represents a number, date, or initial, as explained in brackets. The lower case y repeated four times (yyyy) is not explained in brackets since it always means a 4-digit year (eg. 1962). Dots following a lower case letter (n....) indicate that the number of characters represented by the letter is not restricted, whereas a lower case letter repeated a number of times, indicates that only that many characters are allowed. Each upper case letter and each dash represents itself - i.e. it is typed in the Number field for a reference exactly as it appears in the Number Format.

Ref_Type Ref_ShortType Format_Number
American Association Of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin Amer Assoc Pet Geol Bull  
American Geologist American Geologist  
American Geophysical Union, Proceedings Amer Geophys Union Proc temporary: yyyyaaaaaaaa (a=first 8 letters of author name) eg. 1979MITCHELL
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Technical Publication AIMME, Tech Pub  
American Mineralogist American Mineralogist  
Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry  
Annual Report Annual Report yyyymmmmmmmm (m=1st 8 letters of company name no spaces) eg 1979ABERRESO
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci  
Applied Geochemistry Applied Geochemistry  
Archived Claim Map Archived Claim Map yyyy-nnntss or yyyy-nnnt (nnn=first 3 digits of NTS, t=letter of NTS, ss=last two digits of NTS if applicable) eg. 1984-085J09 or 1984-085J
Arctic Institute of North America, Technical Paper Arct Inst NAmer Tech Pap  
Assessment Report Assessment Report nnnnnn eg. 082133
Association of Exploration Geochemists Assn Expl Geochemists  
Association of Exploration Geochemists, Special Paper Assn Expl Geoch Spec Pap  
Atomic Energy Control Board, Report Atom Ener Ctrl Board Rep temporary: yyyy eg. 1979 (year of publ)
B.Sc. Thesis B.Sc. Thesis yyyy-i..-u..-c (i..=author initials u..=university initials c=city init; use dashes) eg 1979-MG-CU-O
Book, Library of Congress catalogue system Book LLnnn.Lnn eg QE390.E33 or XXyyiinn eg XX99JD01 if unknown (yy=year, ii=your initials, nn=sequential)
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology Bull Can Petroleum Geol Vv..Pp.. eg. V32P129
Bulletin of the American Geographical Society Bull Amer Geographical Soc  
CANMET (formerly mines branch); see Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology CANMET  
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre and INAC Nunavut, NWT-NU Mineral Potential Series, 2002 or later CSLord-INAC, NWT-NU MPS  
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre and INAC Nunavut, NWT-NU Open File, 2002 or later CSLord-INAC, NWT-NU Open File  
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre and INAC Nunavut, NWT-NU Open Report, 2002 or later CSLord-INAC, NWT-NU Open Report  
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre, NWT Exploration Overview, 2002 or later CSLord, NWT Explor Overview yyyy eg. 2002
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre, NWT Mineral Potential Series, 2002 or later CSLord, NWT MPS  
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre, NWT Open File, 2002 or later CSLord, NWT Open File yyyy-nn
CSLord Northern Geoscience Centre, NWT Open Report, 2002 or later CSLord, NWT Open Report  
Canada Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Mines Branch, Technical Bulletin Can DMTS, Min Br Tech Bull  
Canada Mineral Occurrence Index Can Miner Occur Index  
Canada Mines Branch, Information Circular Can Min Br, Info Circular  
Canada Mines Branch, Memoir Can Min Br, Memoir  
Canada Mines Branch, Publication Can Min Br, Pub  
Canada Mines Branch, Report Can Min Br, Rep  
Canada Mines Branch, Summary Report Can Min Br, Summary Rep  
Canada Mines Branch, Technical Bulletin Can Min Br, Tech Bull  
Canada-Northwest Territories Mineral Initiatives, Maps Can-NT MIO, Maps  
Canada-Northwest Territories Mineral Initiatives, Other Publications Can-NT MIO, Other Pub  
Canada-Northwest Territories Mineral Initiatives, Reports Can-NT MIO, Rep  
Canadian Arctic Expeditions Can Arctic Expeditions temp: yyyy-n..Vv..t (yyyy-n..=their number which starts with year, v..=volume, t=letter) eg 1913-18V11A
Canadian Geophysical Bulletin Can Geophysical Bull  
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin CIMM, Bulletin Vv..Nn..Pp.. (v..=vol, n..=number, p..=page) eg. V90N1090P49
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Program with Abstracts CIMM, Program with Abstracts yyyycccc-Pp.. (c=1st 4 letters of city, p..=page num) eg.1972SASK-P14
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Short Course Notes CIMM, Short Course Notes  
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume CIMM, Special Volume temporary: Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V17P120
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Transactions CIMM, Transactions temporary: Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V38P2
Canadian Institute of Mining, Canadian Geologists Journal CIM, Can Geologists Journal  
Canadian Institute of Mining, Paper/Presentations CIM, Paper/Presentation yyyyNn.. eg 1979N8
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Can Journal of Earth Sciences Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V26P1630 (Number is redundant, do not use)
Canadian Miner Canadian Miner temporary: Vv..Pp.. (v..= vol, p..=page) eg V6P119
Canadian Mineralogist Canadian Mineralogist Vv..Pp.. (v..= vol, p..=page) eg V35P35
Canadian Mines Handbook Canadian Mines Handbook yyyy-yy (year range, as on handbook) eg 1968-69
Canadian Mining Journal Canadian Mining Journal Vv..Nn..Pp.. (v..=vol, n..=number, p..=page) eg V118N6P25
Canadian Mining Review Canadian Mining Review  
Canadian Palaeontology Canadian Palaeontology  
Canadian Pit and Quarry Canadian Pit and Quarry  
Canadian Research Canadian Research  
Canadian Rockhound Canadian Rockhound  
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Annual Meeting Can Soc Explor Geophys, Annu Meet temporary: eg 1973P123
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, CSPG Reservoir CSPG Reservoir  
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Core Conference CSPG, Core Conference  
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Field Conference Guidebook CSPG, Field Conference Guidebook  
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Geological Map Series CSPG, Geological Map Series  
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir CSPG, Memoir  
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication CSPG, Special Publication  
Case Histories of Mineral Discoveries Case Histories of Min Discov  
Claim Ownership Map Claim Ownership Map yyyy--nnnt (nnn=first 3 digits of NTS, t=letter of NTS) eg 1972-085J
Coal Miner Coal Miner  
Corporate Internal File Corp Internal File yyyymmmmmmmm or yyyyaaaaaaaa (m=1st 8 lett company name a=1st 8 author name) eg 1989VESTOREX
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Contributions to Geology, Item Within INAC NWT, Contrib to Geology, Item Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V1P14
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Contributions to Geology, Volume INAC NWT, Contrib to Geology Vv.. eg V1
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Economic Geology Series, Open File, 2001 or earlier INAC NWT, EGS Open File yyyy-n.. or yyyy-n..Pp.. (yyyy-n..=Number, p..=Page) eg 1998-15 or 1983-2P16
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Economic Geology Series, Open Report, 2001 or earlier INAC NWT, EGS Open Report yyyy-nnn eg 1999-001
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Geology Archives Internal File INAC NWT, Archives File ttttttttttttttt (t=up to 15 letters/nums unique to file) eg RANKIN (don't use this if you can help)
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Geology Archives Unpublished Report pre-1999 INAC NWT, Geo Unpub Report yyyyaaaaaaaa (a=1st 8 letters author name) eg 1974BRYAN
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Mineral Industry Report INAC NWT, MIR yyyy or yyyy-nn or yyyy-nnVv (diff formats were used in diff yrs) eg 1979 , 1988-89 , 1971-72V3
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Mineral Occurrence Map INAC NWT, Mineral Occurrence Map eg 055K or 075M02
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Mineral Potential Series 1 INAC NWT, MPS1 eg 2000-001
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, NWT and Nunavut Exploration Overview 1999 INAC NWT, NWT-Nu Exploratn Overvw 1999 only one of these
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Property Visit Report INAC NWT, Property Visit Report eg 055K1978BIGE, 055K1978BIGW, 075M1984CAB (NTS,year,1st 3 lett claim/property, +/-1 more lett)
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development NWT, Prospectors Assisstance Plan, Prospectors Report INAC NWT, Prospectors Report yyyyaaaaaaaa (a=1st 8 lett author lastname) or file number if one was given eg 015291
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development Nunavut, Exploration Overview, 2000 or later INAC Nunavut, Explor Overview yyyy eg 2000
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development Nunavut, NU Mineral Potential Series, 2002 or later INAC Nunavut, NU MPS  
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development Nunavut, NU Open File, 2002 or later INAC Nunavut, NU Open File  
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development Nunavut, NU Open Report, 2002 or later INAC Nunavut, NU Open Report  
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Mines and Important Mineral Deposits of the Yukon and N.W.T. INAC, Mines & Imp Min Dep YT & NT eg 1986 eg NM 1
Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Mines and Minerals Activities INAC, Mines & Minerals Activities  
Earth and Planetary Science Letters Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V132P233
Economic Geology Economic Geology Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V91P214
Energy Energy temporary: eg V3P399
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Mineral Bulletin EMR Can, Min Bull eg MR223
Environment Canada, Environmental Protection Service, Manuscript Report Enviro Can EPS, Manuscript Report eg NW-78-7
Exploration Mining Geology Journal Exploration Mining Geology Journal Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V5P281
Financial Post Survey of Mines and Energy Resources Financial Post Survey of Mines yyyy eg 1952
Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Conference Abstracts Volume; Contained Abstract GAC-MAC Conference Abstract yyyyNn... if each abstract has a number OR yyyyPp..-n.. (p..=page, n..=number of abstract) eg 1989P14-3 (page 14, third abstract beginning that page)
Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Conference Abstracts Volume GAC-MAC Conference Abstracts Volume yyyy eg.1999 (or if more than one in a year, yyyymm where mm is beginning month); use this Type for hard copy or CD
Geological Association of Canada, Field Trip Guidebook GAC, Field Trip Guidebook yyyy eg 1987
Geological Association of Canada, Proceedings GAC, Proceedings yyyyPp.. (p..=page) eg 1973P101
Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper GAC, Special Paper ? eg 25P209 eg 87-2
Geological Society of America, Decade of North American Geology Project Series GSA, DNAG Series VtPp.. or Vt-nPp.. or for Plates VtPLm.. (t or t-n=volume, p..=page, m..=plate) eg VA447, VG-2P340, VVAPL11
Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map GSC, "A" Series Map eg 868A
Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report GSC, Annual Report eg V8
Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin GSC, Bulletin eg 141
Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research GSC, Current Research eg 1994-DP133. Only use this type if not a Paper (1994 or later)
Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Series (to 19) or Report (20 on) GSC, EGS/EGR eg 23 eg 16V2
Geological Survey of Canada, Field Notes GSC, Field Notes eg 1964
Geological Survey of Canada, Map GSC, Map as on map; eg 1-1985 eg 40G eg NQ 12-13-14-AM
Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir GSC, Memoir eg 336
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File GSC, Open File n.. or n..Pp.. (n..=given number, p..=page) eg 205 eg 2168P14
Geological Survey of Canada, Paper GSC, Paper number/letter/dash combo +/- Ppagenum eg 91-1EP301 eg 70-70P14 eg 69-1A
Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map GSC, Preliminary Map  
Geological Survey of Canada, Special Paper GSC, Special Paper  
Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report GSC, Summary Report yyyy-tPp.. (yyyy-t=report number, p..=page) eg 1919-CP1
Geology Geology Vv..Pp.. (v..=volume, p..=page) eg V19P1137
George Cross News Letter George Cross News Letter yyyyNn..Pp.. (n..=number, p..=page) eg 1998N25P5
Geoscience Canada, Geological Association of Canada Geoscience Canada Vnn..Ppp.. eg V39P49
Government of the Northwest Territories Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Book GNWT EMPR, Book yyyytttttttt (t=1st 8 letters of title minus spaces) eg 1995SIGNIFIC
Government of the Northwest Territories Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Mineral Sector Report GNWT EMPR, Mineral Sector Report  
Government of the Northwest Territories Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Report GNWT EMPR, Report temporary: yyyyaaaaaaaa (a=1st 8 letters of author lastname) eg 1992BORDEN
Government of the Northwest Territories Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, Minerals, Oil and Gas Book GNWT RWED, MOG Book yyyytttttttt (t=1st 8 letters of title minus spaces) eg 1997AGUIDETO
International Sedimentology Congress, Proceedings Int Sed Congress, Proceedings eg 8 meaning 8th Congress
Internet World Wide Web Site Website the URL
Investment Newsletter, Richardson Greenshields Equity Research Invest New, Greenshields eg 93-167
Journal of Geology Journal of Geology Vv..Pp.. (v..=vol, p..=page) eg V86P767
M.Sc. Thesis M.Sc. Thesis yyyy-i..-u..-c (i..=author initials u..=university initials c=city init; use dashes) eg 1979-MAW-UBC-V
Mineralium Deposita: International Journal for Geology, Mineralogy, & Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits Mineralium Deposita  
Mining North Mining North yyyyPp.. (p..=page) eg 1997P17
NWT Exploration Overview and YK Geoscience Forum Abstracts volume, Abstract Within, 1996 or earlier NWT Expl Overview GSF Abstract yyyyPp..-n.. (p..=page, n..=number of abstract) eg 1989P14-3 (page 14, third abstract beginning that page)
NWT Exploration Overview, other than an abstract, 1998 or earlier NWT Exploration Overview yyyy eg 1985 Until 1996 these included GSF abstracts.
News Release News Release yyyymmddttttttt (yyyy=year, mm=number of month, dd=day, ttttttt=1st 7 letters of title minus spaces) eg 19940115NEWSTRI
North North eg V12N5 (none in Archives?)
Northern Miner Magazine Northern Miner Magazine  
Northern Miner Newspaper Northern Miner Vv..mmmddPn.. (v..=vol, mmm=written month, dd=day, p..=page) eg V81MAY03P5 if date not known temp usage OK: Vv..Nn..Pp.. eg V81N12P5
Northern Miner Newspaper on CD-ROM Northern Miner CD yyyymmdd (year month and day, all digital) eg. 19970523
Other Other yyyyiixx (y..=year you entered it, ii=your initials, xx=sequential numbers begin at 1 for you for that year) eg 1997DS01
Other Database Other Database eg NMI
Paper Presented at a Symposium (year, city, author) Paper Presented yyyyccccii (cccc=1st 4 letters city, ii=author initials)
Personal Communication - Paper Pers Comm - Paper yyyymmddaaaaaaa (yyyy=year, mm=number of month, dd=day, a=1st 7 letters author lastname) eg 19980115WEIR
Personal Communication - Verbal Pers Comm - Verbal yyyymmddaaaaaaa (yyyy=year, mm=number of month, dd=day, a=1st 7 letters author lastname) eg 19980115WEIR
Ph.D. Thesis Ph.D. Thesis yyyy-i..-u..-c (i..=author initials u..=university initials c=city init; use dashes) eg 1979-MAW-UBC-V
Progress Report Progress Report yyyyttttttttttt (y=year, t= 1st 11 lett company name minus spaces) eg 1951SALMITACONS
Quebec Department of Natural Resources, Geological Report Que DNR, Geological Report eg 199 ?
Science; Journal of American Association for the Advancement of Science Science Vnn..Pnn.. eg V269P1535
Skillings Mining Review Skillings Mining Review eg V74N51 no page??
Societe Geologique de Belgique Societe Geologique de Belgique temporary: eg 1974
Water Board Hearing Water Board Hearing yyyymmdd (numeric date) eg 19970608
Western Miner Western Miner Vv..Nn..Pp.. (n..=vol, n..=num, p..=page) eg V74N51P17
Western Miner and Oil Review Western Miner & Oil Review Vv..Nn..Pp.. (n..=vol, n..=num, p..=page) eg V74N51P17
Whitehorse Geoscience Forum, Paper Presented at Whitehorse Geoscience Forum yyyyPnn-N eg 1997P69-1 (page 69, first abstract beginning that page) If no page num, count from title=1. If ref not avail, yr & auth init; eg 1997CF
Yellowknife GeoScience Forum Abstracts volume, Abstract Within, 1997 or later YK GeoScience Forum Abstract yyyyPp..-n.. (p..=page, n..=number of abstract) eg 1989 or 1989P14-3 (page 14, third abstract beginning that page)

Search Options:

The References database can be searched in two ways:

1. A simple search can be made by populating one or more of the boxes below:
Input Fields
Simple Search:
and by selecting the reference type(s) from a list:
Selectable Reference Types:
2. For an advanced search click Select Additional Fields For Searching to show the list below:
Additional Fields
Advanced Search:
A search can be refined by specifying whether only one, or all of the search criteria must be met.
Results and Download Options:

Search results are displayed in a table, accessible by:

One workbook, with data for the entire results table in 9 worksheets
Excel:One workbook, with data for selected records in 9 worksheets
InfoPanel:A pop-up window, displaying data for a selected record
Download:The Download Facility delivers the entire reference as one downloadable zip file
Zip file:The zip file contains all folders and files associated with, and prefixed by, the unique reference number

Please note: It is advisable to note file sizes (provided in MB) prior to downloading, as file size affects download time.

Mineral Showings (potential economically-viable mineral occurrences) database



Mineral Showings are indicators of potential economically-viable mineral occurrences and were gathered from industry reports, regulatory assessment reports, and other NTGS publications. The Showings App searches and downloads information on mineral showings from a database of records.

Minimum Commodity Grades for Mineral Showings

For a Showing to be included in the showings database, at least one commodity must have been detected in an amount above the minimum listed below, either in bedrock or (in the case of placers, for example) in the material which would constitute the ore if the deposit were minable. If a showing is defined for one commodity, another commodity may be listed as anomalous if it has been detected in an amount above or equal to a second assigned value, its 'As a By-Product' minimum.

Minimum Commodity Grades for Mineral Showings
Commodity Minimum Grade Min. Grade (alt. units) As a By-Product
Ag (Silver) 20 g/t 0.58 oz/T 10 g/t
Antimony - see Sb - - -
Au (Gold) 0.5 g/t 0.015 oz/T 0.5 g/t
Barium, Barium Minerals 8 % BaSO4 or 5 % Ba - -
Be (Beryllium) 0.2 % BeO - -
Bi (Bismuth) 0.1 % 1000 ppm -
Boron Minerals 1 % B2O3 or 0.3 % B 10 000 ppm B2O3 -
Boron Compounds in Brine 0.2 % B2O3 2000 ppm -
Cd (Cadmium) - - 0.1 %
Carving Stone present in some quantity - -
Co (Cobalt) 0.05 to 0.10 % 500 - 1000 ppm -
Coal present - -
Chromium 2% Cr2O3 - -
Cu (Copper) 0.2 % 2000 ppm -
Diamond present - -
Fe (Iron) 20 % in iron oxides - -
Li (Lithium) 0.2 % LiO2 - -
Mineral Specimen present - -
Mo (Molybdenum) 0.05 % 500 ppm -
MoS2 (molybdenite) 0.10 % - -
Nb (Niobium) 0.1 % Nb or 0.16 % NbO2 1000 ppm Nb or 1640 ppm NbO2 -
Ni (Nickel) 0.2 % 2000 ppm -
Pb (Lead) 0.4 % 4000 ppm -
Pd (Palladium) 0.3 g/t 0.009 oz/T; 300 ppb 0.1 g/t
PGE (Platinum Group Elements; includes Pt Pd Os Ir Rh Ru) 0.5 g/t 0.015 oz/T -
Pt (Platinum) 0.5 g/t 0.015 oz/T; 500 ppb 0.2 g/t
REE (Rare Earth Elements) 0.25% rare earth oxides 0.2 % rare earth element -
Sb (Antimony) - - 0.5 %
Sn (Tin) 0.1 % 1000 ppm -
Ta (Tantalum) 0.002 % Ta or 0.003% Ta2O5 20 ppm Ta or 30 ppm Ta2O5 -
Ti (Titanium) 10 % TiO2 - -
Th (Thorium) - - 0.1 % ThO2
U (Uranium) 0.03% U3O8 0.6 lb/T or 300 ppmU3O8 -
Va (Vanadium) 0.1 % Va 1000 ppm -
W (Tungsten) 0.1 % WO3 1000 ppm WO3 -
Zn (Zinc) 0.3 % 3000 ppm -
Showings - Development Stage Descriptions

The Development Stage refers to the current degree of development of a Showing, ranging from initial discovery to a mine. These stages are:

Development StageDefinition
Reconnaissance:Preliminary examination of an area has revealed a site of interest.
Local Examination:Sampling and ground investigations such as grid-based surveys have been carried out to further knowledge of the site. These may include trenching but not drilling.
Drilled:The showing has been tested by at least one drill hole, not including Winkie/packsack holes or holes less than 3 m deep. Generally surface work has been done as well.
Advanced Exploration:A deposit which is well understood in three dimensions. Generally this means enough work has been done on which to base resource calculations.
Producer:A deposit which is currently being mined and producing a commodity.
Minor Producer:A deposit which is currently being mined and producing a commodity, at rates of mining less than about 10,000 tonnes of ore per day.
Past Producer Abandoned, Past Producer Care and Maintenance, Past Producer Renewed Exploration:A deposit which at one or more times was producing a commodity but is no longer. A Past Producer may be an abandoned mine, it may be on care and maintenance, or there may be renewed exploration for the same or different commodities in the vicinity. If a deposit cycles in and out of production over the years, its Development Stage in the database will be updated as its status changes.
Minor Past Producer Abandoned, Minor Past Producer Care and Maintenance, Minor Past Producer Renewed Exploration:A past producer which produced < 100,000 tonnes of ore.
Note 1If the "zones" of a mine (Producer) are spatially distinct from each other at a scale of 1:50,000, they may be entered separately, especially if production statistics for them are separate.
Note 2A value of 'xTo Be Assigned' in this field indicates that data entry is incomplete.
Search Options:

The Showings database can be searched in two ways:

1. A simple search can be made by populating one or more of the boxes below:
Input Fields
Simple Search:
2. For an advanced search click Select Additional Fields For Searching to show the list below:
Additional Fields
Advanced Search:
Each search method can be refined by specifying if only one, or all of the search criteria must be met.
Results and Download Options:

Search results are displayed in a table, accessible by:

One workbook, with data for the entire results table in 24 worksheets
Excel:One workbook, with data for the selected record in 24 worksheets
InfoPanel:A pop-up window, displaying data for the selected record

Kimberlite Indicator and Diamond (KIDD) and Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Chemistry (KIMC) databases



The KIDD and KIMC databases contain detailed information about Kimberlite samples and mineral grains found within samples.

The data was assembled from Mineral Assessment Reports within the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. KIDD contains operational information on samples including location, date, number of indicator grains and sample owner; KIMC contains records on detailed grain chemistry.

Search Options:

The Kimberlite database can be searched in two ways:

1. A simple search can be made by populating one or more of the boxes below:
Input Fields
Simple Search:
2. For an advanced search click Select Additional Fields For Searching to show the list below:
Additional Fields
Advanced Search:
Each search method can be refined by specifying if only one, or all of the search criteria must be met.
Results and Download Options:

Search results are displayed in a table, accessible by:

One workbook, with data for the entire results table in 2 worksheets named KIDD and KIMC
Excel:One workbook, with data for the selected record in 2 worksheets named KIDD and KIMC
InfoPanel:A pop-up window, displaying data for the selected record

Kimberlite Anomaly and Drill Hole Data (KANDD)



The KANDD database holds drill hole records from the Slave Craton, Northwest Territories and Nunavut that were filed in accordance with the Canada Mining Regulations (initially published as EGS Open Report 2001-005); supplemented by a catalog of available core and scanned documents made available in NWT Open Report 2003-003; and including all of the publicly available kimberlite drill hole data filed with Northwest Territories Geoscience Office (NTGS) in the form of various publications (assessment reports, open files, etc.) since 2001 including the extensive catalog of BHP kimberlite core donated to Northwest Territories Geological Survey(NTGS), formerly NTGO, in 2009.
Search Options:

The KANDD database can be searched in two ways:

1. A simple search can be made by populating one or more of the boxes below:
Input Fields
Simple Search:
2. For an advanced search click Select Additional Fields For Searching to show the list below:
Additional Fields
Advanced Search:
Each search method can be refined by specifying if only one, or all of the search criteria must be met.
Results and Download Options:

Search results are displayed in a table, accessible by:

One workbook, with data for the entire results table in 1 worksheet named KANDD
Excel:One workbook, with data for the selected record in 1 worksheet named KANDD
InfoPanel:A pop-up window, displaying data for the selected record

An accessible, licensed Geoscience Data Portal hosted on ArcGIS Online

NTGS Data Hub


The NTGS Data Hub presents a collection of geoscience information for the Northwest Territories. The information is grouped thematically and is ready for use in Excel, ArcMap or Google Earth.

The NTGS Data Hub offers:

  1. Freely downloadable NTGS geoscience data from ArcGIS Online, ESRI's reliable cloud-based platform
  2. Common data formats including spreadsheet (csv), GIS (shp), and Google Earth (kmz)
  3. Data previews for spatially referenced data and/or tabular previews for non-spatial data

Click Here for a "how-to" video about the Data Hub.

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